
The Journey Continues... (pt.1)

     The Honours College Dream a Dream Talent Show finally came to an end last night. These several weeks of preparation have been a long long journey, a journey of leadership, a journey of cooperation, a journey of influence, a journey of friendship, a journey of family.

     I believe pictures tell a more vivid story, so let's start with photos~

Really thanks Macau Charitas for coorganizing the show with us and thanks Udani for recommending us such a nice idea, which makes the show more than a talent show, but also a charity show, a much much more meaningful one.

Thanks Alisa, this is a really urgent moment, you are just so smart~!!!

Thanks Nathaniel for devoting your precious time and performing for us.

Tang Yi, you reall have a great voice and you've always been improving on the stage.

21 Guns. Tommy, you were playing good guitar and really did catch the correct rhythm.
21 Guns is an anti-war song by Green Day. We choose this song because we want to Dream a Dream for the world and together strike for it.

The gestures we made did match the implications of the song.
The chorus goes like:
One 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

We believe the song does convey a loving message to world, to those who are still fighting. 
"Hands up" is a kind of message saying that "Come on, just join us."

Aggie, "Why I just can't achieve my dream of being a magicican?"
You are just a genuis, a talented actor!
Hannah, thanks for joining our drama team!

Aggie, this is most wonderful magic and the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

Udani, thanks for your special performance. You just have a good voice~!!
Really emotional~

Jose, you are one of those singers who use their voice to touch one's heart. Thanks for your Immortality.

Grouping singing: Heal the World.
This is a song by Michael Jackson, the greatest singer in the world, someone who really cares about the world and has a dream for the whole world we're living in.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race

Yeah, you and me join together hand in hand, and we can realize the dream of the world.


Occupied Days, Preparation, Conceptual Thinking and Time Management

    These days, I am just occupied. Let me just make a list of what I am busy with in order to have a clear schedule in mind:

1. Opening Ceremony for 92nd Anniversary of 'May 4th Movement' Commemoration Series Activities

2. Forum I & II for 92nd Anniversary of 'May 4th Movement' Commemoration Series Activities

3. The HC 'Dream A Dream' Talent Show

4. Toelf IBT

    For 1. and 2., proposals have been done and are to be implemented very soon during the Easter Break from Apr. 21 - Apr. 22. Most of the things are finished in advance quite a long time ago, one months or so. Thus, as a result, everything is just running in plan and according to schedule. And I don't feel things in a hurry and get worried about the coming events since everything has been planned and even sudden circumstancs have been thought about in order to be prevented. I bevelieve that's what PREPARATION means. What I learn from such exerience is that Preparation Matters. My  mother always teaches me that Never Fight A War Without A Preparation. Preparation is the very key to making things in order and prevention of emergencies. It always leaves sufficient time to make thing done perfectly and details to be added.

    For 3. - The HC Talent Show. We have come up with the theme of the show, which is 'Dream A Dream', derived from a famous song 'I Dream A Dream.' Dream is the very key element we want to add into a show to make it more than a show just showing talents, and the very core we want everything happens around. That's the very conceptual and general idea about the show.  However, I do believe it's important that everything needs to be done conceptually and generally at the very beginning. And that's more than a way of doing things, but a PHILOSOPHY itself. When I am first on the position of V.P. of CMSA, I was told by our Formal General Secretary the way of thinking, 'From general to specific, from big picture to details and never change the order.' Till now, I think I am just trying my best to make full use of this principle and have gradually learnt that if chaning the order, we easily will get stuck to certain very very minor points and never move on according to the schedule. Thus, to hold the Talent Show, we firstly draft a conceptual idea about it and line from the start till end and then, we will add details into it around the theme; and that's more EFFICIENT way and also, what a good LEADER should enable an organization to and help it to achieve.

    For 4. - Toefl. In fact, we only have limited time to prepare it. However, we still have other things to be in charge of and deal with. The reality is, one day only contains 24 hours and what we can do is to make full use of it. Here comes to the issue of Time Management. Now, I plan to do some Toefl everyday and what I learn is that Managing time is not just spending as much as possible, but spending the time as efficiently as possbile. Efficiency is the key. By an attempt to achieve efficiency, I manage to reserve the time needed for Toefl review and tend to find the review time helpful to improve my Toefl skills, which are what I really hope to see.

    Inspite of these occupied days, I better find a way into a person who always prepare well, are with conceptual thinking and manages time in an efficient and effective way.